Signature Packages
Everyone’s skin starts to dry out as they age, and some people need more hydration than others. By stimulating collagen and elastin production, the skin appears to glow from the inside out.
Deeply hydrates and plumps different layers of the epidermis and dermis
Treats deep facial expressions
Heals sun damage
Prevents early signs of eye ageing
Profhilo: a hyaluronic acid-based injectable that helps improve skin hydration
Mesotherapy: the injection of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients into the skin, providing a double boost of hydration
Connecting with my patients on a personal level is a fundamental part of the 5 Step Journey.
Our Face-to-face hour offers a genuinely different consultation process that encourages patients to embrace their natural beauty and perceived imperfections, and change the way they feel about themselves.
We’ll focus on understanding your goals, addressing your concerns, and exploring the most suitable treatment options tailored to you.